Adoption Inquiry? Contact Dawn or email [email protected].

Foster Parents Are Heroes. What You Need To Know As You Look To Adopt.

Dawn Coppock is Here to Help

Foster parents are heroes. Only exceptionally loving people open their heart and family to a child who has been mistreated. Foster kids are heroes too. For a small person to love and trust again after trauma and heartbreak requires the courage of a giant. Dawn and her staff see the heroic love in foster parent adoption and want to be a part of your beautiful story. 

Whether you are:

  • Just here for the great free materials for Tennessee Foster Parents,
  • Need a lawyer who accepts state payment, to promptly and professionally get your adoption finalized, so courts catch up with your hearts,
  • Or you want to talk to a lawyer because your case is a big, hot mess and you are afraid your foster child may be in danger.

Dawn wants to help.

Shot of a father and his little son having fun at home
Mom and son playing and laughing with toys

Adoption Help for Tennessee Foster Parents

DCS is like most human institutions, the organizational culture and procedures influence your experience, and so do the individuals assigned to your case. The experiences of TN DCS foster parents vary widely. If your experience is good and you want speed and celebration, Dawn is glad to hear it, and is ready to move on your case, and to be happy with you and your supporting workers. Dawn accepts the payment provided by the state and throws in a few extras when your fee is paid by the state.

If you are afraid or angry and need advice or advocacy, or just have a few questions about Adoption Assistance, Dawn can do that too. In fact, the constant stream of word of mouth referrals from East Tennessee foster parents demonstrate that Dawn’s compassionate, knowledgeable and frank approach is what distressed foster parents want.

A good lawyer is not a one trick pony. Dawn won’t pick a fight where there is none, she won’t reveal that she has been consulted without your direction, you and Dawn will make a plan for your case together and if the plan requires a bit of warrior energy, well, that is in the tool box too. 

Your individual needs and priorities will dictate Dawn’s approach to this matter that is so close to your heart. 

You Are a Frustrated Tennessee Foster Parent

Apparently, the word is out that if you are a foster parent and things are going very wrong, call Dawn. Dawn gets a lot of calls like that, usually when the child is about to be moved from the home. Sometimes her help makes all the difference, and sometimes all she can do is explore the options and discover, with you, that there aren’t many. Either way, you love this little person. You want to do what you can and if you can’t do anything, you want to understand why not. That is reasonable and Dawn can be your partner in understanding what your odds and options really are. 

Dawn gets from frustrated foster parents things like, the child has been in the foster home for a long time and: 

  • A birth relative has “popped up” and wants the child.
  • The birth parent is making half-hearted attempts at improving their dangerous home situation and the social worker is snowed into thinking the child will be safe there.
  • No one looked for the father or relatives until well into the case and now there is a problem.
  • The caseworker, judge or GAL has changed and now the whole case is changing direction.
  • The child is deeply traumatized by visits with a birth parent or relative, and no one seems to think that is a reason to make any changes.
  • You feel pressured to take a sibling of your foster child that you aren’t equipped to parent.

These are all serious concerns. Dawn sees you, she hears you, and she wants to help.

Department of Children’s Services Information Regarding Placement Options and Relative Caregivers:


Testimonials From Dawn’s Clients

“Professional expertise with a heart! We would never have survived our adoption journey if we hadn’t been blessed by the kind, compassionate, skilled, and professional guidance of Dawn.”

Former Client

“Dawn has helped us through five adoptions through the Department of Children’s Service.  In every case, she and her staff were thorough, quick, and clear about what we needed to do to keep things moving.  In one case, Dawn resolved a thorny issue with DCS with unparalleled grace.  She has our highest recommendation!”

Jack & Jenny Hay

Dawn Coppock represented us during all four of our adoptions, and we never had to worry about anything being overlooked. She and her staff are extremely meticulous and pay attention to every detail, and are also very caring and compassionate. Dawn walked with us through every step of the legal process, and rejoiced with us and our four blessings when our adoptions were finalized. We are thankful for her knowledge and expertise, and have recommended her to our friends.

Sam and Rita Grindstaff

Dawn is Ready to Help with Your Tennessee DCS Adoption Case

If you are a Tennessee foster family beginning the adoption process or are otherwise in need of Tennessee legal services related to adoption: please contact Angela Cameron, paralegal, for information on scheduling an appointment or a telephone consultation.